Controlling wheelchairs by body motions: A learning framework for the adaptive remapping of space
Conversion and control of an all-terrain vehicle for use as an autonomous mobile robot
Cooperating Onboard and on the Ground Decision Modules for the Management of an Earth Watching Constellation
Cooperation between Onboard Executive and Planner on Ground and Its Demonstration on Remote-Sensing Nano-Satellite "PRISM"
Cooperative agreement 926 (SETI Institute)
Cooperative EVA/Telerobotic Surface Operations in Support of Exploration Science
Cooperative Robot Teams Applied to the Site Preparation Task
Coordinated Science Campaign Scheduling for Sensor Webs
Creating Communications, Computing, and Networking Technology Development Road Maps for Future NASA Human and Robotic Missions
Curve Shortening and the Rendezvous Problem for Mobile Autonomous Robots
Curve Tracking Control for Legged Locomotion in Horizontal Plane
Cusp Points in the Parameter Space of Degenerate 3-RPR Planar Parallel Manipulators
Cusp points in the parameter space of RPR-2PRR parallel manipulator
Cuspidal and Noncuspidal Robot Manipulators
Cutaneous Force Feedback as a Sensory Subtraction Technique in Haptics
Cybercars : Past, Present and Future of the Technology