An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as Human-Assistant Robotics System
Analyse Comparative des Manipulateurs 3R à Axes Orthogonaux
Analyse de la rigidité des machines outils 3 axes d'architecture parallèle hyperstatique
Analysis and Design of a Human Spaceflight to Mars, Europa, and Titan
Analysis of Dynamic Task Allocation in Multi-Robot Systems
Analysis of Stability, Response and LQR Controller Design of a Small Scale Helicopter Dynamics
Analytical, Experimental, and Modelling Studies of Lunar and Terrestrial Rocks
Animation of virtual mannequins, robot-like simulation or motion captures
Anomaly Detective Ground Support System for Mars Probe NOZOMI
Antenna Assembly Experiments Using ETS-VII
Apollo Metric Zone Terrain Reconstruction
Application Layer Definition and Analyses of Controller Area Network Bus for Wire Harness Assembly Machine
Approximate Robotic Mapping from sonar data by modeling Perceptions with Antonyms
ARAMIES: A Four-legged Climbing and Walking Robot
Architecture for a Mobile Lunar Base Using Lunar Materials
Architecture Optimization of a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Mechanism for Machining Applications, the Orthoglide
Artemis common lunar lander. Phase 2: Study results for external review
Artificial Hormone Reaction Networks: Towards Higher Evolvability in Evolutionary Multi-Modular Robotics
Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory: Applied to Cooperative Robots
Artillery based explorers: A new architecture for regional planetary geology