XMM x-ray mirrors: metrology and optical performance
XMM's X-ray telescopes.
XMM-Newton Observation of the Complex Absorbing Medium in IRAS 13349+2438
XMM-Newton Observations of M87 in X-ray and Ultraviolet
XMM-Newton observations of M87: X-ray Jet and Halo
XMM-Newton Results on High Resolution Spectroscopy
XMM-Newton Science Analysis Software: How to Bring New Technologies to Long-life Satellite Missions
XSPEC 12: Capabilities for Coded-Mask Spectral Analysis
XUV observations of solar corona in the spirit experiment on board the coronas-F satellite
XUV wide field camera for Rosat
Yardstick integrated science instrument module concept for NGST
YourSky: Rapid Desktop Access to Custom Astronomical Image Mosaics
Z-Spec: A MM-wave spectrometer for measuring redshifts of submillimeter galaxies
Zenith Star Launch System
ZEPLIN II Active Veto
ZEPLIN-II limits on WIMP-nucelon interactions
Zero CTE Glass in the Hubble Space Telescope
Zero distortion three mirror telescope designed for the Dark Universe Explorer (DUNE) space mission
ZERODUR for lightweight secondary/tertiary mirrors
Zeta OPH Interstellar Molecules - Cycle 2