Radiometric Measurements of Temperature Profiles in the Planetary Boundary Layer.
Radiometric performance of 640x480 and 320x244 PtSi IR cameras
Radiometric performance of the Viking Mars lander cameras
Radiometric performance of the Voyager cameras
Radiometric performance results of the Juno ultraviolet spectrograph (Juno-UVS)
Radiometric stability of Phase 3 WISP arrays
Radiometrically calibrating spectrally coupled two-color projectors
Radiotelescope low-rate tracking using dither.
RAINBOW interferometer: receiver development and start of open use
Ramp technique for dc partial discharge testing
RAMSES-MHD: an AMR Godunov code for astrophysical applications
Range Resolved Measurements of CO2 in the Planetary Boundary Layer
Range-gated metrology: an ultra-compact sensor for dimensional stabilization
Ranging performance of satellite laser altimeters
Rapid cost-effective silicon carbide optical component manufacturing technique
Rapid development of a high-frame-rate fully programmable tracker
Rapid Follow-Up Gamma-Ray Burst Locations from BATSE
Rapid optical beam-steering sensor suite for tactical weapon tracking applications
Rapid star-pattern identification
Rapidly tunable acousto-optic spectrometer for a space environment