Proba, an ESA technology demonstration mission, results after 3 years in orbit
Probabilistic Analysis of Buffer Starvation in Markovian Queues
Probabilistic tsunami threat assessment of 10 recent earthquakes offshore Sumatra
Probing the Epoch of Reionization with 21CMA: Status and Prospects
Probing the field of radio astronomy with the SKA and the Hartebeesthoek Radio observatory: an engineer's perspective
Probing the Role of Magnetic Fields in Star Formation with BLAST-Pol
Problem and improvement of HIROSS air-conditioner systems in CSAO's time keeping room
Problems arising in empirical modeling of the terrestrial ionosphere
Problems for a flyby mission of the Sun
Procedures for the initial optical alignment of JNLT.
Proceedings of the FY 1990 Workshop on Extraterrestrial Mining and Construction
Proceedings: Outer Planet Probe Technology Workshop, summary volume
Process optimization of Si:As indium bumped focal plane arrays
Processing of the C-band polarimeter on the environment Canada CV-580 - A review
Processing Petabytes for Pan-STARRS
Processing, Calibration and Archiving for the Dark Energy Survey
Producibility advances in hybrid uncooled infrared detectors
Producibility of GaAs quantum-well infrared photodetector arrays
Production and testing of the optical elements of the first 2,2 m-telescope for MPIA
Production of high fidelity lunar agglutinate simulant