Decentralized Fair Scheduling in Two-Hop Relay-Assisted Cognitive OFDMA Systems
Decentralized high precision telemetry and telecommand system for sounding rockets
Decision Announced in Green Bank Telescope Arbitration Case
DECLIC: The Experiment Program and its Potentialities
Decomposition of mineral absorption bands using nonlinear least squares curve fitting: Application to Martian meteorites and CRISM data
Deconvolution of variability and uncertainty in the Cassini safety analysis
Dedicated calibration facility for the Gemini Telescopes
Deep H-alpha survey of gaseous emission regions in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds
Deep Imaging of Giant Planets
Deep Impact: The Anticipated Flight Data
Deep space network enhancement for the Galileo mission to Jupiter
Deep Space Network to Viking Orbiter telecommunications performance during the Viking extended mission, November 1976 - February 1978
Deep space target location with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and HIPPARCOS data
Deep-depletion CCDs for X-ray astronomy
Deep-space optical communications link availability and data volume
Deepest Globular Cluster X-ray Survey: Chandra on 47Tuc
Definition of an imaging spectrometer meeting the needs of UV solar physics
Definition of the Active Cooling System for the Space Instrument CIVA/Mars
Definitive Mineralogy from the Mars Science Laboratory CheMin Instrument
Degradation mechanisms of gamma irradiated LWIR HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors