The SOLA method for helioseismic inversion
The solar atmosphere and the structure of active regions
The solar corona as a quadric surface in three-dimensional space
The solar wind termination shock in the presence of cosmic rays
The Spiralling Binary System of Black Holes.
The stability of 2D current sheet models of prominences
The stability of perfect elliptic disks. 1: The maximum streaming case
The stability of periodic motions of a satellite relative to its own center of mass
The stability of spherically symmetric accretion flows
The stellar content of the nuclei of late-type spiral galaxies
The stellar dynamics of 'box/peanut' galactic bulges
The Stochastic Logarithmic Norm for Stability Analysis of Stochastic Differential Equations
The structure and evolution of 'asteroidal' meteor swarms
The study of planetary secular perturbations
The study of the physics of cometary nuclei
The subsonic structure of radiatively driven winds of early-type stars
The supernova neutrino pulse shape in the scintillation detector
The synthesis of light curves of close binary systems with a relativistic object - Axisymmetric geometrically thick disk around a relativistic object
The telegraph equation in charged particle transport
The temperature-density structure of coronal loops in hydrostatic equilibrium