Separation of electromagnetic fields at the sea and ocean bottom into normal and anomalous ones, taking a hydrodynamic source into account
Separation of the steady-state cosmic ray equation of transport - A generalization
Several new domain-type and boundary-type numerical discretization schemes with radial basis function
Shadow function - Contribution to the theory of the motion of artificial satellites
Sheared Flow as a Stabilizing Mechanism in Astrophysical Jets
Shepherding in a Warm Disk of Low Optical Depth: A Perturbation Analysis
Shock acceleration of energetic particles in solar corona
Shock Acceleration of Solar Cosmic Rays
Shock surfing acceleration
Shock wave interpretation of emission lines in long period variable stars. II - Periodicity and mass loss
Short time periodicities of the atmospheric activity of Jupiter
Short-wavelength compressive instabilities in cosmic ray shocks and heat conduction flows
SiC in circumstellar shells around C stars
Signal-Theoretic Characterization of Waveguide Mesh Geometries for Models of Two--Dimensional Wave Propagation in Elastic Media
Significance of medium energy gamma ray astronomy in the study of cosmic rays
Similarity laws of lunar and terrestrial volcanic flows
Simplest hydrodynamic models of dynamically inhomogeneous spherical gravitating systems
Simplifying silicon burning: Application of quasi-equilibrium to (alpha) network nucleosynthesis
Simulation of a lunar gradiometer mission
Simulation of interactions of an orbiting compact star with an accretion disk by smoothed particle hydrodynamics