Periodic orbits in the Planar General Three-Body Problem
Periodic regimes of translational-rotational motion of a satellite relative to a rotating earth
Perturbations by the oblateness of the earth and by the planets in the motion of the moon
Perturbative Calculation of Quasi-Normal Modes
Perturbative growth of cosmological clustering. I: Formalism
Petascale turbulence simulation using a highly parallel fast multipole method
Phase conjugated transmitter subsystem for laser communications
Phase differences of the fields in a Ramsey resonator for submillimetric frequency standards
Phase shifts in gravitationally evolving density fields
PHOBOS dust rings
Photochemical-radiative damping and instability in the stratosphere. II Numerical results
Photochemistry of Pluto's Atmosphere
Photoelectric photometry - an approach to data reduction
Photoevaporation of disks around massive stars and application to ultracompact H II regions
Photometric and chemical evolution of galaxies based on an evolutionary method of population synthesis
Photometric evolutionary synthesis models of dwarf galaxies
Photon path-length distribution function (1)
Physical interpretation of certain solutions to the Laplace equation
Physics and evolution of constant opening angle jets using a quasi-one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model
Piecewise Convex-Concave Approximation in the $\ell_{\infty}$ Norm