Parameter estimation for Boolean models of biological networks
Patterns of subnet usage reveal distinct scales of regulation in the transcriptional regulatory network of Escherichia coli
Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design
Physical approaches to the dynamics of genetic circuits: A tutorial
Piecewise linear models of chemical reaction networks
Positional distribution of human transcription factor binding sites
Positional information, in bits
Positive feedback and noise activate the stringent response regulator Rel in mycobacteria
Post-transcriptional regulation of noise in protein distributions during gene expression
Power laws in biological networks
ppiTrim: Constructing non-redundant and up-to-date interactomes
Predicting effects of structural stress in a genome-reduced model bacterial metabolism
Predicting essential components of signal transduction networks: a dynamic model of guard cell abscisic acid signaling
Predicting synthetic rescues in metabolic networks
Prediction of lethal and synthetically lethal knock-outs in regulatory networks
Principles in the Evolution of Metabolic Networks
Principles of microRNA regulation of a human cellular signaling network
Probabilistic methods for predicting protein functions in protein-protein interaction networks
Probability Models for Degree Distributions of Protein Interaction Networks
Propagation of fluctuations in interaction networks governed by the law of mass action