Random autocatalytic networks
Random Boolean Network Models and the Yeast Transcriptional Network
Random matrix analysis of localization properties of Gene co-expression network
Randomization and Feedback Properties of Directed Graphs Inspired by Gene Networks
Randomizing genome-scale metabolic networks
Reaction coordinates for the flipping of genetic switches
Reconstruction of metabolic networks from high-throughput metabolite profiling data: in silico analysis of red blood cell metabolism
Recursive Shortest Path Algorithm with Application to Density-integration of Weighted Graphs
Refining the Protein-Protein Interactome using Gene Expression Data
Regulation of Neuromodulator Receptor Efficacy - Implications for Whole-Neuron and Synaptic Plasticity
Regulatory control and the costs and benefits of biochemical noise
Regulatory networks and connected components of the neutral space
Regulatory patterns in molecular interaction networks
Relationship between cellular response and behavioral variability in bacterial chemotaxis
Reliability of genetic networks is evolvable
Reliability of regulatory networks and its evolution
Replica procedure for probabilistic algorithms as a model of gene duplication
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Representing perturbed dynamics in biological network models
Residue Network Construction and Predictions of Elastic Network Models