Failed "nonaccelerating" models of prokaryote gene regulatory networks
Fan-out in Gene Regulatory Networks
Finding complex balanced and detailed balanced realizations of chemical reaction networks
Finding mesoscopic communities in sparse networks
Finding undetected protein associations in cell signaling by belief propagation
Flexible and robust patterning by centralized gene networks
Flows in complex biochemical networks: Role of low degree nodes
Fluctuations in Gene Regulatory Networks as Gaussian Colored Noise
Fluctuations in Mass-Action Equilibrium of Protein Binding Networks
Fluctuations of Complex Networks: Electrical Properties of Single Protein Nanodevices
Flux distribution in metabolic networks close to optimal biomass production
Flux networks in metabolic graphs
Fold-Hopf Bursting in a Model for Calcium Signal Transduction
From differential equations to Boolean networks: A Case Study in modeling regulatory networks
From Protein Interactions to Functional Annotation: Graph Alignment in Herpes
From statistical mechanics to information theory: understanding biophysical information-processing systems
Function Constrains Network Architecture and Dynamics: A Case Study on the Yeast Cell Cycle Boolean Network
Functional alignment of regulatory networks: A study of temperate phages
Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks
Functional characteristics of a double positive feedback loop coupled with autorepression