Searching for Optical Orphan Afterglows with SDSS
Searching For The Youngest Planets With CSHELL
Seawater pH, pCO2 and [CO2-3] variations in the Caribbean Sea over the last 130 kyr: A boron isotope and B/Ca study of planktic foraminifera
SeaWiFS lunar calibration methodology after six years on orbit
Secular Orbit Variation Due to Solar Radiation Effects: A Detailed Model for BYORP
Secular variation of earth's rotation from ancient Chinese records of lunar occultations and approaches
Segmentation of the mean of heteroscedastic data via cross-validation
Seismic remote sensing for the earthquake source process and near-source strong shaking: A case study of the October 16, 1999 Hector Mine earthquake
Selecting and estimating regular vine copulae and application to financial returns
Selection and Prioritization of Targets for the Kepler Mission
Selection and procurement of commercial parts for microsat product line
Selection effects in Doppler velocity planet searches
Selection models under generalized symmetry settings
Selection models with monotone weight functions in meta analysis
Selection of tuning parameters in bridge regression models via Bayesian information criterion
Self-consistent method for density estimation
Self-Inverse and Exchangeable Random Variables
Semi-supervised logistic discrimination for functional data
Semiparametric Bayesian Information Criterion for Model Selection in Ultra-high Dimensional Additive Models
Semiparametric Bivariate Zero-Inflated Poisson Models with Application to Studies of Abundance for Multiple Species