Naini Tal-Cape survey for pulsating chemically peculiar stars - A status report
NARMAX Approach to the Magnetopsheric System.
NASA Design Projects at UC Berkeley for NASA's HEDS-UP Program
NASA Handbook for Spacecraft Structural Dynamics Testing
NASA IDEAS EPO Support of the School of Galactic Radio Astronomy
Native Skywatchers: The Astronomer and Artist
Nearby B-stars stellar parameters and abundances (Nieva+, 2012)
Neglected Double Star Observations Conducted at Kitt Peak Advanced Observer Program
Network Tomography: Identifiability and Fourier Domain Estimation
Networks of Polynomial Pieces with Application to the Analysis of Point Clouds and Images
New and Improved Clean for RHESSI Images
New Approaches to Principal Component Analysis for Trees
New Digital Sky Surveys: Introductory Comments
New methods for fitting multiple sinusoids from irregularly sampled data
New methods of astronomy
New Metrics for Mid-Latitude Spread F
New Roads for Understanding the Stellar Populations in Early-Type Galaxies
New Stellar Abundances in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
New Steps Towards the Unbiased Characterization of High-Degree Mode Frequencies
New Tests of Spatial Segregation Based on Nearest Neighbor Contingency Tables