A new concept regarding the cause of ionosphere semiannual and annual anomalies
A new global F2 peak electron density model for the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)
A new O2 band system: The c1∑u--b1∑g+ transition in the terrestrial nightglow
A New Pleiades Member at the Lithium Substellar Boundary
A non-linear theory of gravitation-induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability mechanism and the equatorial spread-F
A numerical model of equatorial and low latitude total electron content for use by satellite tracking systems for ionospheric corrections
A numerical simulation of Earth's electromagnetic cavity with the Transmission Line Matrix method: Schumann resonances
A Photometric Study of Two-Pole Accretion Polar RX J1846.9+5538
A Polar Orbiter to Probe Jupiter's Deep Atmosphere, Interior Structure and Polar Magnetosphere
A Polar Orbiter to Probe Jupiter's Deep Atmosphere, Interior Structure and Polar Magnetosphere
A post-Viking view of Martian geologic evolution
A posteriori reading of Virtual Impactors impact probability
A program of data synthesis from the ALSEP/CPLEE ALSEP/SIDE, and Explorer 35 magnetometer to investigate lunar terminator and nightside particle fluxes and surface interactions
A review of anomalous resistivity for the ionosphere
A review of geodetic and geodynamic satellite Doppler positioning
A Review of Homomorphic Deconvolution
A review of lunar sample studies and their application to studies of the terrestrial planets.
A semi-empirical model of ionospheric electron content at low latitudes for solar minimum
A Simple Instrument to Measure the Composition of Interstellar Plasma During the Interstellar Probe Mission
A simulation study of space-based observations of gravity waves in the airglow using observed ALOHA-93 wave parameters