Fabry-Perot Observations of Comet Austin 1990 V
Fast type-I waves in the equatorial electrojet: Evidence for nonisothermal ion-acoustic speeds in the lower E region
Features of global geomagnetic Sq field from 1980 to 1990
Field-Aligned Currents in the Magnetosphere
Field-aligned electron acceleration in Alfvén waves
Field-aligned ion motions in the E and F regions
Final Report - NASA Grant NAG 5-262
Finding the best proxies for the solar UV irradiance
Fine structure in plasma waves and radiation near the plasma frequency in Earth's foreshock
Finite Coulomb Crystal Formation
First Jicamarca radar observations of two-stream E region irregularities under daytime counter equatorial electrojet conditions
First results of an Investigation of Sulfur Dioxide in the Ultraviolet from Pioneer Venus through Venus Express
Fluidization on the Moon (?)
Forbush decrease and geomagnetic storms in relation to varying interplanetary parameters
Formation and migration of trans-Neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets
Formation of interstellar thioformaldehyde
Fractionation of Iron: a Cosmogonic Sleuthing Tool I. Radioisotope Heating
Fractionation of Iron: a Cosmogonic Sleuthing Tool II. Heating by Electrical Induction
Frame Dependence of the Electric Field Spectrum of Solar Wind Turbulence
Frequency drift rates of powerful decameter Type III bursts