Teaching Solar and Space Physics to Undergraduates at Boston University
Temperature, Ozone, and Nitric Oxide Experiment (TONE) for the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission
Temporal and latitudinal variations of O/+/ and H/+/ transition levels obtained by Intercosmos-2 satellite data
Test of Cosmic Spatial Isotropy for Polarized Electrons Using a Rotatable Torsion Balance
Testing the Flyby Anomaly with the GNSS Constellation
Testing the Hill-Siscoe Model of Polar Cap Potential Saturation Using Observations From the October/November 2003 Superstorms
Testing the thermospheric neutral wind suppression mechanism for day-to-day variability of equatorial spread F
The 1976 Standard Atmosphere and its relationship to earlier standards
The 27-day variations of plasma densities and temperatures in the topside ionosphere
The 40-year OMNI 2 Data Set: Challenges in Building Virtual Multi-source Data Products
The 8-hour tide in the Arctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere
The Accuracy of IRI in the Description of Development of the Equatorial (Appleton) Anomaly
The ACE Science Center
The Anomalous Acceleration of the Pioneer Spacecrafts
The Apollo lunar surface experiment package suprathermal ion detector experiment
The Application of Inverse Theory to Seamount Magnetism (Paper 6R0757)
The Astronomical Significance of Mass Loss by Gravitational Radiation
The Atmosphere of Mercury
The Atmosphere of Titan
The atmospheres of the outer planets and satellites