Hair Tonic for Black Holes
Halogens in the atmosphere
Hard X-rays of solar flares - Thermal versus non-thermal models: A review
Heating of the solar and stellar coronae: a review
Heating of the solar corona - A new outlook
Heavy Elements in Peculiar A Stars
Heavy particle with long life in cosmic rays above 10 to the 15th eV
Heavy-element abundances in a sample of low-metallicity blue compact galaxies
Helio-latitudinal cosmic ray intensity distribution at 1AU during recent sunspot cycle
Heliocentric distance dependence of the interplanetary magnetic field
Heliophysics Science
HELIOS 1 + HELIOS 2 - A summary of IMF observations performed in the inner solar system during 1975-1981
Heliospheric coordinate systems
Heliospheric magnetic fields and plasmas
Helium Abundance of the Sun
HF pump-induced large scale radial drift of small scale magnetic field-aligned density striations
High energy cosmic ray intensity variations associated with the unusual Forbush decrease of August 1972
High Resolution Spectroscopy
High-altitude signatures of ionospheric density depletions caused by field-aligned currents
High-energy gravitational antennas - A theoretical approach