Radar observation of kinetic effects at meter scales for Farley-Buneman plasma waves
Radar observations of ionospheric irregularities at Syowa Station, Antarctica: a brief overview
Radial distribution of the inner magnetosphere plasma pressure using low-altitude satellite data during geomagnetic storm: the March 1-8, 1982 Event
Radiation Belt Modeling and Data Assimilation with Salammbo
Radiation Belt Test Model
Radiation Hazard of Relativistic Interstellar Flight
Radiation Research on the Satellite "Kosmos-17" (Summary)
Radiation Safety Problems in Space Flights
Radio emissions from the planets earth, Jupiter, and Saturn
Radio meteor rates observed with meteor wind radar during non-shower period
Radiogenic isotope research.
Radiowave Propagation in Interplanetary and Circumsolar Space
Random Fluctuations, Persistence, and Quasi-Persistence in Geophysical and Cosmical Periodicities: A Sequel (Paper 2R0712)
Range distribution of sporadic meteors and sunrise
Rare gas fractionation patterns in terrestrial samples and the earth-atmosphere evolution model
Ravens satellite mission concept study
Reaction of N(D-2) with O2 - Not a major source of O(D-1) atoms in aurorae
Real-Time Spectral Analysis Algorithm for Space Plasma Ion Mass Spectrometers
Recent Advances in Heliophysics from Space-Based Observations
Recent advances in solar-terrestrial physics