Visualization of superposition of macroscopically distinct states
Visualizing classical and quantum probability densities for momentum using variations on familiar one-dimensional potentials
Visualizing quantum entanglement and the EPR paradox during the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule using two ultrashort laser pulses
Visualizing quantum mechanics in phase space
Visualizing the collapse and revival of wavepackets in the infinite square well using expectation values
Visualizing the kinematics of relativistic wave packets
Visualizing the Quantum Interaction Picture in Phase Space
Visualizing Two Qubits
Voltage controlled nuclear polarization switching in a single InGaAs quantum dot
Voltage Induced Hidden Symmetry and Photon Entanglement Generation in a Single, Site-Selected Quantum Dot
Voltage-controlled intracavity electromagnetically induced transparency with asymmetry quantum dots molecule
Volume Elements of Monotone Metrics on the n x n Density Matrices as Densities-of-States for Thermodynamic Purposes. I
Volume Elements of Monotone Metrics on the n x n Density Matrices as Densities-of-States for Thermodynamic Purposes. II
Volume Fractions of the Kinematic "Near-Critical" Sets of the Quantum Ensemble Control Landscape
Volume of classical and quantum ensembles: geometric approach to entropy and information
Volume of Separable States for Arbitrary $N$-dimensional System
Volumes and hyperareas of the spaces of separable and nonseparable qubit-qutrit systems: Initial numerical analyses
Von Neumann and Luders postulates and quantum information theory
von Neumann entropy and localization properties of two interacting particles in one-dimensional nonuniform systems
Von Neumann entropy and localization-delocalization transition of electron states in quantum small-world networks