J-matrix method and Bargmann potentials
J.S. Bell's Concept of Local Causality
Jahn-Teller Anharmonic Coupling for an Octahedral System
Jahn-Teller induced Berry phase in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Jahn-Teller systems from a cavity QED perspective
Jamming non-local quantum correlations
Java Application that Outputs Quantum Circuit for Some NAND Formula Evaluators
Jaynes Cummings Photonic Superlattices
Jaynes Cummings treatment of superconducting resonators with dielectric loss due to two-level systems
Jaynes principle versus entanglement
Jaynes-Cummings Model and a Non-Commutative "Geometry" : A Few Problems Noted
Jaynes-Cummings Model Dynamics in Two Trapped Ions
Jaynes-Cummings model: What emerges first beyond the rotating-wave approximation?
Jaynes-Cummings model:Counter rotating effect on the vacuum Rabi splitting and atom-cavity dynamics
Jaynes-Cummings Models with trapped surface-state electrons in THz cavities
Jensen Shannon divergence as a measure of the degree of entanglement
Jensen-Shannon divergence as a measure of distinguishability between mixed quantum states
Jensen-Shannon divergence, Fisher information, and Wootters' hypothesis
Johnson noise and the thermal Casimir effect
Johnson-Nyquist noise and the Casimir force between real metals at nonzero temperature