S-matrix theory for transmission through billiards in tight-binding approach
s-ordered phase-sum and phase-difference distribuitons of entangled coherent states
S-wave quantum entanglement in a harmonic trap
s-wave scattering and the zero-range limit of the finite square well in arbitrary dimensions
Saddle scars: Existence and applications
Sagnac interferometry based on ultra-slow polaritons in cold atomic vapors
Sagnac-loop phase shifter with polarization-independent operation
Salecker-Wigner-Peres clock and average tunneling times
Samaritan's Dilemma: Classical and quantum strategies in Welfare Game
Sample dependence of the Casimir forces
Sampling Fourier Transforms on Different Domains
Sampling from the thermal quantum Gibbs state and evaluating partition functions with a quantum computer
Sampling functions for multimode homodyne tomography with a single local oscillator
Sampling in a Quantum Population, and Applications
Sampling of min-entropy relative to quantum knowledge
Sampling of quantum dynamics at long time
Sampling the canonical phase from phase-space functions
Sampling Weak Values: A Non-Linear Bayesian Model for Non-Ideal Quantum Measurements
Sampling with quantum mechanics
Satellite potentials for hypergeometric Natanzon potentials