M-body Pure State Entanglement
M-Particle Quantum Walks with Delta-Interaction
Mach Zehnder Interferometry with NOON Quantum States
Mach-Zehnder Interferometry at the Heisenberg Limit with coherent and squeezed-vacuum light
Mach-Zehnder interferometry with interacting trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
Machine Learning for Precise Quantum Measurement
Macroscopic and mesoscopic matter waves
Macroscopic Bell States and the Higher-Order Degree of Polarization
Macroscopic bound entanglement in thermal graph states
Macroscopic Coherence for a Trapped Electron
Macroscopic displaced thermal field as the entanglement catalyst
Macroscopic Distinguishability Between Quantum States Defining Different Phases of Matter: Fidelity and the Uhlmann Geometric Phase
Macroscopic Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs in superconducting circuits
Macroscopic Entanglement and Phase Transitions
Macroscopic entanglement between a Bose Einstein condensate and a superconducting loop
Macroscopic Entanglement by Entanglement Swapping
Macroscopic entanglement in Quantum Computation
Macroscopic Entanglement of a Bose Einstein Condensate on a Superconducting Atom Chip
Macroscopic entanglement of many-magnon states
Macroscopic Interference Effects in Resonant Cavities