O(3,3)-like Symmetries of Coupled Harmonic Oscillators
Obedient quantum mechanics: New status of the theory in the inverse problem approach
Objective and Subjective Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics
Objective probabilities, quantum counterfactuals, and the ABL rule
Objective probability and quantum fuzziness
Objective properties from subjective quantum states: Environment as a witness
Objective vs Observer Measurements
Objectively discerning Autler-Townes Splitting from Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
Objectivism and Irreversibility in Quantum Mechanics
Oblivious remote state preparation
Oblivious transfer and quantum channels
Oblivious transfer and quantum non-locality
Oblivious transfer using quantum entanglement
Observability of relative phases of macroscopic quantum states
Observability of the arrival time distribution using spin-rotator as a quantum clock
Observable Dirac Electron in Accelerated Frames
Observable Dirac-type singularities in Berry's phase and the monopole
Observable estimation of entanglement for arbitrary finite-dimensional mixed states
Observable estimation of entanglement of formation and quantum discord for bipartite mixed quantum states
Observable geometric phase induced by a cyclically evolving dissipative process