L'argument Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) : Paradoxe, Alternative, Demonstration
L'ordinateur quantique
Labels for non-individuals
Lack of dispersion cancellation with classical phase-sensitive light
Ladder operator formalisms and generally deformed oscillator algebraic structures of quantum states in Fock space
Ladder operators for isospectral oscillators
Ladder proof of nonlocality for two spin-half particles revisited
Ladder proof of nonlocality without inequalities and without probabilities
Lagrangian Densities and Principle of Least Action in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics
Lagrangian in quantum mechanics is a connection one-form
Lagrangian representation for fermionic linear optics
Laguerre asymptotic formula and stability of Landau levels influenced by an electric field
Laguerre-Gaussian Modes and the Wigner Transform
Laguerre-Gaussian modes: entangled state representation and generalized Wigner transform in quantum optics
Lamb shift calculated by simple noncovariant method
Lamb Shift of Laser-Dressed Atomic States
Lamb shift of non-degenerate energy level systems placed between two infinite parallel conducting plates
Lambda's, V's and optimal cloning with stimulated emission
Landau Levels Analog to Electric Dipole
Landau Levels in the Presence of Topological Defects