Wave mode coupling due to plasma wakes in two-dimensional plasma crystals: In-depth view
Wave modes facilitating fast magnetic reconnection
Wave motion in type I comet tails
Wave normal angles of magnetospheric chorus emissions observed on the Polar spacecraft
Wave Normal Angles of Magnetospheric Chorus Emissions Observed on the Polar Spacecraft
Wave power dropouts associated with radial field intervals in high speed solar wind
Wave Propagation and Diffusive Transition of Oscillations in Pair Plasmas with Dust Impurities
Wave propagation in cold plasma in the presence of the Coriolis force
Wave properties in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region with high β: Application of the k-filtering method to Cluster multispacecraft data
Wave spectra of 2D dusty plasma solids and liquids
Wave spectra of 2D Yukawa solids and liquids in the presence of a magnetic field
Wave-kinetic description of nonlinear photons
Wave-particle interaction and peculiarities of propagation and emission of accelerated particles in solar flares
Wave-particle interactions associated with nongyrotropic distribution functions: A hybrid simulation study
Wave-particle interactions at dipolarization fronts
Wave-particle interactions in the equatorial source region of whistler-mode emissions
Wave-wave interactions in two-fluid cosmic-ray hydrodynamics
Wavelet analysis approach for radiation from rapidly-evolving astrophysical plasmas
Wavelet Bicoherence Analysis as a Method for Investigating Coherent Structures in an Electron Beam with an Overcritical Current
Wavemode identification in the dissipation/dispersion range of solar wind turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves and/or Whistlers? (Invited)