Quasi-isotropic electron distribution via nonlinear beam-plasma interaction
Quasi-linear heating of protons due to resonant interaction with Gaussian and Lorentzian electromagnetic wave spectrum
Quasi-linear theory of anomalous resistivity
Quasi-monochromatic ULF foreshock waves as observed by the four-spacecraft Cluster mission: 1. Statistical properties
Quasi-monochromatic ULF foreshock waves as observed by the four-spacecraft Cluster mission: 2. Oblique propagation
Quasi-perpendicular shocks: Length scale of the cross-shock potential, shock reformation, and implication for shock surfing
Quasi-phasematching of harmonic generation via multimode beating in waveguides
Quasi-separatrix layers and three-dimensional reconnection diagnostics for line-tied tearing modes
Quasi-thermal noise in a drifting plasma: Theory and application to solar wind diagnostic on Ulysses
Quasi-trapped ion and electron populations at Mercury
Quasiclassical Theory and Simulations of Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Quasilinear analysis of the zonal flow back-reaction on ion-temperature-gradient mode turbulence
Quasilinear diffusion for the chaotic motion of a particle in a set of longitudinal waves
Quasilinear Evolution and Perpendicular Ion Heating in the Turbulent Solar Wind*
Quasilinear Evolution of Kinetic Alfven Wave Turbulence and Perpendicular Ion Heating in the Solar Wind
Quasilinear-based simulations of bidirectional type III bursts
Quasimonoenergetic and low emittance ion bunch generation from ultrathin targets by counterpropagating laser pulses of ultrarelativistic intensities
Quasimonoenergetic electron beams produced by colliding cross-polarized laser pulses in underdense plasmas
Quasiperiodic modulation of the Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations: An unsettled problem
Quasiperiodic oscillations observed at the edge of an auroral arc by Auroral Turbulence 2