Role of Activity in Human Dynamics
Role of connectivity in congestion and decongestion in networks
Role of feedback and broadcasting in the naming game
Role of Selective Interaction in Wealth Distribution
Role-based similarity in directed networks
Role-similarity based comparison of directed networks
Roles of Ties in Spreading
Romania in a post-credit crunch world? A cautionary tale from Australia and America
Roughness and Finite Size Effect in the NYSE Stock-Price Fluctuations
Rumor spreading in gaming social networks
Sales Distribution of Consumer Electronics
Sampling bias in systems with structural heterogeneity and limited internal diffusion
Sampling properties of directed networks
Sandpiles on multiplex networks
Scale free networks by preferential depletion
Scale Invariance in Global Terrorism
Scale Invariance in Road Networks
Scale invariant multiplier and multifractality of absolute returns in stock markets
Scale-free avalanche dynamics in the stock market
Scale-free memory model for multiagent reinforcement learning. Mean field approximation and rock-paper-scissors dynamics