Return probability and k-step measures
Revenue Prediction of Local Event using Mathematical Model of Hit Phenomena
Revising the simple measures of assortativity in complex networks
Reward and cooperation in the spatial public goods game
Rich-club and page-club coefficients for directed graphs
Rich-club connectivity dominates assortativity and transitivity of complex networks
Risk measures with non-Gaussian fluctuations
Risk Minimization through Portfolio Replication
Risk portofolio management under Zipf analysis based strategies
Robust dynamic classes revealed by measuring the response function of a social system
Robust network community detection using balanced propagation
Robustness and modular structure in networks
Robustness of Complex Networks against Attacks Guided by Damage
Robustness of correlated networks against propagating attacks
Robustness of interdependent networks under targeted attack
Robustness of networks against propagating attacks under vaccination strategies
Robustness of onion-like correlated networks against targeted attacks
Robustness of the European power grids under intentional attack
Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks
Role models for complex networks