Reconstruct the Hierarchical Structure in a Complex Network
Reconstructing directed networks for better synchronization
Recorded punishment promotes cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma game
Recurrence analysis of the NASDAQ crash of April 2000
Recurrent host mobility in spatial epidemics: beyond reaction-diffusion
Recursive weighted treelike networks
Rediscovering the Co-occurrence Principles of Vowel Inventories: A Complex Network Approach
Reducing Frustration in Spin Systems: Social Balance as an XOR-SAT problem
Reducing the Heterogeneity of Payoffs: an Effective Way to Promote Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma Game
Reflections on Modern Macroeconomics: Can We Travel Along a Safer Road?
Regional Development in the Knowledge-Based Economy: The Construction of Advantage
Regional innovation systems in Hungary: The failing synergy at the national level
Reinforced communication and social navigation generate groups in model networks
Reinforced communication and social navigation: remember your friends and remember yourself
Reinforcement-Driven Spread of Innovations and Fads
Relating the dynamics of road traffic in a stochastic cellular automaton to a macroscopic first-order model
Relative clock demonstrates the endogenous heterogeneity of human dynamics
Relativistic quantum econophysics - new paradigms in complex systems modelling
Relaxation in statistical many-agent economy models
Reliability of rank order in sampled networks