Random Walks Along the Streets and Canals in Compact Cities: Spectral analysis, Dynamical Modularity, Information, and Statistical Mechanics
Random Walks on Directed Networks: the Case of PageRank
Random, but not so much: A parameterization for the returns and correlation matrix of financial time series
Randomizing world trade. I. A binary network analysis
Randomizing world trade. II. A weighted network analysis
Range-limited Centrality Measures in Complex Networks
Rank-dependent deactivation in network evolution
Ranking Scientific Publications Using a Simple Model of Network Traffic
Ranking spreaders by decomposing complex networks
Rationality, irrationality and escalating behavior in lowest unique bid auctions
Re-examination of the size distribution of firms
Re-inventing Willis
Real estate price peaks: a comparative overview
Realistic searches on stretched exponential networks
Realizing Wardrop Equilbria with Real-Time Traffic Information
Reciprocal relationships in collective flights of homing pigeons
Reciprocity of mobile phone calls
Recognition of Crowd Behavior from Mobile Sensors with Pattern Analysis and Graph Clustering Methods
Recommendation model based on opinion diffusion
Recommender Systems