Phase coexistence in a forecasting game
Phase coexistence in congested states of pedestrian dynamics
Phase diagram of a Schelling segregation model
Phase diagram of epidemic spreading - unimodal vs. bimodal probability distributions
Phase diagram of Symmetric Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma of Two-Companies with Partial Imitation Rule
Phase diagrams for the spatial public goods game with pool-punishment
Phase diagrams for three-strategy evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games on regular graphs
Phase States and Phase Portraits of Tunnel Traffic. Empirical Data Analysis
Phase transition in a sexual age-structured model of learning foreign languages
Phase transition in Nowak-Sznajd opinion dynamics
Phase transition in the globalization of trade
Phase transition in the Sznajd model with independence
Phase transition to two-peaks phase in an information cascade voting experiment
Phase transitions and non-equilibrium relaxation in kinetic models of opinion formation
Phase transitions in a two parameter model of opinion dynamics with random kinetic exchanges
Phase transitions in contagion processes mediated by recurrent mobility patterns
Phase transitions in crowd dynamics of resource allocation
Phase Transitions in Operational Risk
Phase transitions in random Potts systems and the community detection problem: spin-glass type and dynamic perspectives
Phase transitions in social networks