PageRank model of opinion formation on social networks
Pair Formation within Multi-Agent Populations
Pairwise interaction pattern in the weighted communication network
Panelists Remarks -- The Start of the Forum on Physics and Society
Paradoxical Way for Losers in a Dating Game
Parameter Evaluation of a Simple Mean-Field Model of Social Interaction
Parameter-free identification of salient features in complex networks
Parameterized Centrality for Network Analysis
Pareto index induced from the scale of companies
Pareto law of the expenditure of a person in convenience stores
Pareto's Law of Income Distribution: Evidence for Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Parking and the visual perception of space
Parking in the city: an example of limited resource sharing
Parkinson's Law Quantified: Three Investigations on Bureaucratic Inefficiency
Participation costs dismiss the advantage of heterogeneous networks in evolution of cooperation
Partitioning Breaks Communities
Partitionnement d'un réseau de sociabilité à fort coefficient de clustering
Partner selections in public goods games with constant group size
Party Polarization in Congress: A Network Science Approach
Passive Supporters of Terrorism and Phase Transitions