Optimization of transport protocols with path-length constraints in complex networks
Optimized network clustering by jumping sub-optimal dendrograms
Optimized reduction of uncertainty in bursty human dynamics
Optimizing and controlling functions of complex networks by manipulating rich-club connections
Optimizing evacuation flow in a two-channel exclusion process
Order preservation in a generalized version of Krause's opinion dynamics model
Order-disorder phase transition in a cliquey social network
Ordered community structure in networks
Ordering dynamics with two non-excluding options: Bilingualism in language competition
Ordering in bidirectional pedestrian flows and its influence on the fundamental diagram
Organization and Complexity in a Nested Hierarchical Spin-Glass like Social Space
Organization of networks with tagged nodes and biased links: a priori distinct communities. The case of Intelligent Design Proponents and Darwinian Evolution Defenders
Organizational and dynamical aspects of a small network with two distinct communities : Neo creationists vs. Evolution Defenders
Organizational structure and communication networks in a university environment
Orientation in Social Networks
Origins of Taylor's power law for fluctuation scaling in complex systems
Oscillations of simple networks
Other-regarding preferences and altruistic punishment: A Darwinian perspective
Overlapping Community Detection in Bipartite Networks
PageRank and rank-reversal dependence on the damping factor