Opinion Dynamics with Hopfield Neural Networks
Opinion Formation in Laggard Societies
Opinion formation in the kinetic exchange models: Spontaneous symmetry breaking transition
Opinion formation in time-varying social networks: The case of Naming Game
Opinion formation models based on game theory
Opinion polarization in the Receipt-Accept-Sample model
Opportunity and choice in social networks
Optimal boarding method for airline passengers
Optimal equilibria of the best shot game
Optimal hedging of Derivatives with transaction costs
Optimal Investment Horizons for Stocks and Markets
Optimal migration promotes the outbreak of cooperation in heterogeneous populations
Optimal Paths in Complex Networks with Correlated Weights: The World-wide Airport Network
Optimal ranking in networks with community structure
Optimal Resource Allocation in Random Networks with Transportation Bandwidths
Optimal supply against fluctuating demand
Optimal Traffic Networks
Optimal transport on wireless networks
Optimization in task--completion networks
Optimization of hierarchical structures of information flow