National and International Dimensions of the Triple Helix in Japan: University-Industry-Government versus International Co-Authorship Relations
National Scientific Facilities and Their Science Impact on Non-Biomedical Research
Natural growth model of weighted complex networks
Natural human mobility patterns and spatial spread of infectious diseases
Nature and statistics of majority rankings in a dynamical model of preference aggregation
Navigability of Complex Networks
Navigation in non-uniform density social networks
Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks
Network analysis of online bidding activity
Network Automata: Coupling structure and function in real-world networks
Network connectivity during mergers and growth: optimizing the addition of a module
Network effects in service usage
Network Evolution Based on Centrality
Network Evolution Induced by the Dynamical Rules of Two Populations
Network Extreme Eigenvalue - from Multimodal to Scale-free Network
Network Growth via Preferential Attachment based on Prisoner's Dilemma Game
Network Growth with Feedback
Network harness: bundles of routes in public transport networks
Network Harness: Metropolis Public Transport
Network Marketing on a Small-World Network