Microeconomic co-evolution model for financial technical analysis signals
Microeconomics of the ideal gas like market models
Microscopic and Macroscopic Simulation of Competition between Languages
Microscopic features of moving traffic jams
Microscopic insights into pedestrian motion through a bottleneck, resolving spatial and temporal variations
Minority Games
Minority Games with heterogeneous timescales
Minority games, evolving capitals and replicator dynamics
Mitigation of Malicious Attacks on Networks
Mixing navigation on networks
Mixtures of compound Poisson processes as models of tick-by-tick financial data
Mobility and Social Network Effects on Extremist Opinions
Model of communities isolation at hierarchical modular networks
Model of mobile agents for sexual interactions networks
Model of Opinion Spreading in Social Networks
Model of Wikipedia growth based on information exchange via reciprocal arcs
Model of World; her cities, languages and countries
Modeling a Century of Citation Distributions
Modeling a foreign exchange rate using moving average of Yen-Dollar market data
Modeling bursts and heavy tails in human dynamics