Mathematical Model for Hit Phenomena
Mathematical model for hit phenomena as stochastic process of interactions of human interactions
Mathematical models of intergroup conflicts
Matrix plots of reordered bistochastized transaction flow tables: A United States intercounty migration example
Maximal planar scale-free Sierpinski networks with small-world effect and power-law strength-degree correlation
Maximal spanning trees, asset graphs and random matrix denoising in the analysis of dynamics of financial networks
Maximizing Entropy Yields Spatial Scaling in Social Networks
Maximizing Influence Propagation in Networks with Community Structure
Mean clustering coefficients: the role of isolated nodes and leafs on clustering measures for small-world networks
Mean Exit Time and Survival Probability within the CTRW Formalism
Mean field solutions of kinetic exchange opinion models
Meaning and Form in a Language Computer Simulation
Measurable Systems and Behavioral Sciences
Measures and Mismeasures of Scientific Quality
Measuring co-authorship and networking-adjusted scientific impact
Measuring degree-degree association in networks
Measuring sectoral diversification in an asymptotic multi-factor framework
Measuring Significance of Community Structure in Complex Networks
Measuring social dynamics in a massive multiplayer online game
Measuring the Globalization of Knowledge Networks