Layered Complex Networks
Lead-lag cross-sectional structure and detection of correlated-anticorrelated regime shifts: Application to the volatilities of inflation and economic growth rates
Leaders in Social Networks, the Delicious Case
Learning about knowledge: A complex network approach
Learning to play public good games
Least Squares Importance Sampling for Monte Carlo Security Pricing
Leptokurtic Portfolio Theory
Let Your CyberAlter Ego Share Information and Manage Spam
Limitation of multi-resolution methods in community detection
Limitation of network inhomogeneity in improving cooperation in coevolutionary dynamics
Limitations of scaling and universality in stock market data
Limited resolution and multiresolution methods in complex network community detection
Limits of modularity maximization in community detection
Line graphs as social networks
Line Graphs, Link Partitions and Overlapping Communities
Linear vs. Nonlinear Diffusion and Martingale Option Pricing
Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networks
Link prediction in complex networks: a local naïve Bayes model
Link Prediction in Complex Networks: A Survey
Link-space formalism for network analysis