Kinetic market models with single commodity having price fluctuations
Kinetic models for wealth exchange on directed networks
Kinetic theory models for the distribution of wealth: power law from overlap of exponentials
Knitted Complex Networks
Knowledge Acquisition by Networks of Interacting Agents in the Presence of Observation Errors
Knowledge Emergence in Scientific Communication: From "Fullerenes" to "Nanotubes"
Knowledge epidemics and population dynamics models for describing idea diffusion
Knowledge transfer in a tourism destination: the effects of a network structure
Kolkata Restaurant Problem as a generalised El Farol Bar Problem
Korean Family Name Distribution in the Past
Korean journals in the Science Citation Index: What do they reveal about the intellectual structure of S&T in Korea?
Lack of consensus in social systems
Language simulation after a conquest
Language Time Series Analysis
Laplacian Dynamics and Multiscale Modular Structure in Networks
Large scale-free networks are not disassortative
Large-scale structure of a nation-wide production network
Large-scale structure of time evolving citation networks
Lattice splitting under intermittent flows
Laws of Population Growth