Is scientific literature subject to a sell-by-date? A general methodology to analyze the durability of scientific documents
Is the United States losing ground in science? A global perspective on the world science system
Is There a Real-Estate Bubble in the US?
Ising model for distribution networks
Ising model versus normal form game
Ising, Schelling and Self-Organising Segregation
Ising-like agent-based technology diffusion model: adoption patterns vs. seeding strategies
It's not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting: Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities
ITER: The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and the nuclear weapons proliferation implications of thermonuclear-fusion energy systems
Jam-avoiding adaptive cruise control (ACC) and its impact on traffic dynamics
Jamming and Correlation Patterns in Traffic of Information on Sparse Modular Networks
Jamming in complex networks with degree correlation
Jamming transition in air transportation networks
Journal Maps on the Basis of Scopus Data: A comparison with the Journal Citation Reports of the ISI
Justice in the Shadow of Self-Interest. An Experiment on Redistributive Behavior
k-Generalized Statistics in Personal Income Distribution
K-Scaffold subgraphs of Complex networks
Kelly Criterion revisited: optimal bets
Kinetic exchange models for social opinion formation
Kinetic exchange opinion model: solution in the single parameter map limit