International Collaboration in Science and the Formation of a Core Group
International Workshop on the Future of Physics and Society, Debrecen, Hungary, 4-6 March 1999, Workshop Summary
Internet data packet transport: from global topology to local queueing dynamics
Interplay between evolutionary game and network structure: the coevolution of social net, cooperation and wealth
Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions - a study using mobile phone data
Interplay between topology and dynamics in the World Trade Web
Intra-City Urban Network and Traffic Flow Analysis from GPS Mobility Trace
Intrinsic noise in game dynamical learning
Introduction to statistical physics of media processes: Mediaphysics
Invasion threshold in heterogeneous metapopulation networks
Inverse cubic law of index fluctuation distribution in Indian markets
Inverse Statistics for Stocks and Markets
Inverse targeting -- an effective immunization strategy
Inversion method for content-based networks
Investigating an online social network using spatial interaction models
Investment horizons : A time-dependent measure of asset performance
Inward and Outward Node Accessibility in Complex Networks as Revealed by Non-Linear Dynamics
Irrelevance of information outflow in opinion dynamics models
Is diversity good?
Is Inequality Among Universities Increasing? Gini Coefficients and the Elusive Rise of Elite Universities