Individual popularity and activity in online social systems
Individualization as driving force of clustering phenomena in humans
Indo-European languages tree by Levenshtein distance
Induced cultural globalization by an external vector field in an enhanced Axelrod model
Influence of geography on language competition
Influence of information flow in the formation of economic cycles
Influence of initial distributions on robust cooperation in evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma
Influence of saving propensity on the power law tail of wealth distribution
Influence of the topology on the power flux of the Italian high-voltage electrical network
Influence, originality and similarity in directed acyclic graphs
Influences of degree inhomogeneity on average path length and random walks in disassortative scale-free networks
Information diffusion epidemics in social networks
Information dynamics algorithm for detecting communities in networks
Information dynamics shape the networks of Internet-mediated prostitution
Information feedback and mass media effects in cultural dynamics
Information filtering in complex weighted networks
Information propagation and collective consensus in blogosphere: a game-theoretical approach
Information Society: Modeling A Complex System With Scarce Data
Information spreading and development of cultural centers
Information-sharing and aggregation models for interacting minds