Impact of memory on human dynamics
Impact of network structure on a model of diffusion and competitive interaction
Impact of site dilution and agent diffusion on the critical behavior of the majority-vote model
Impact of Stock Market Structure on Intertrade Time and Price Dynamics
Impact of Unexpected Events, Shocking News and Rumours on Foreign Exchange Market Dynamics
Impacts of preference and geography on epidemic spreading
Importance of interlinguistic similarity and stable bilingualism when two languages compete
Improved spectral algorithm for the detection of network communities
Improving immunization strategies
In a nanoscience lab
In-depth analysis of the Naming Game dynamics: the homogeneous mixing case
Income Distribution Dependence of Poverty Measure: A Theoretical Analysis
Income distribution patterns from a complete social security database
Incorporating Inertia Into Multi-Agent Systems
Increased Crowding during Escape Panic and Suitable Strategy for its Avoidance
Increasing market efficiency: Evolution of cross-correlations of stock returns
Increasing Market Penetration of LED Traffic Signals in New York State: Review of Articles and Information on LED Traffic Signals
Indicators for the Knowledge-based Economy: A Comparison between South Korea and The Netherlands
Indifferents as an interface between Contra and Pro
Individual and Group Dynamics in Purchasing Activity