Theory of Rumour Spreading in Complex Social Networks
There's more to volatility than volume
Thermodynamic approach for community discovering within the complex networks: LiveJournal study
Three quantitative predictions based on past regularities about voter turnout at the French 2009 European election
Three-phase traffic theory and two-phase models with a fundamental diagram in the light of empirical stylized facts
Three-state majority-vote model on square lattice
Threshold learning dynamics in social networks
TI-games I: An Exploration of Type Indeterminacy In Strategic Decision-Making
Tiger Tales: A Critical Examination of the Tiger's Enclosure at the San Francisco Zoo
Time and foreign exchange markets
Time dependence of the survival probability of an opinion in a closed community
Time evolution of link length distribution in PRL collaboration network
Time scale competition leading to fragmentation and recombination transitions in the coevolution of network and states
Time scales of epidemic spread and risk perception on adaptive networks
Time-evolving distribution of time lags between commercial airline disasters
Time-Varying Priority Queuing Models for Human Dynamics
Tipping Diffusivity in Information Accumulation Systems: More Links, Less Consensus
To cooperate or to defect? Altruism and reputation
To how many politicians should government be left?
Tolerating the Community Detection Resolution Limit with Edge Weighting