The uniqueness of company size distribution function from tent-shaped growth rate distribution
The uniqueness of the profits distribution function in the middle scale region
The United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative: The TRIPOD concept
The Universality of the Attractiveness Model to Weighted Networks
The value of information in a multi-agent market model
The Velocity of Money in a Life-Cycle Model
The w-index: A significant improvement of the h-index
The walking behaviour of pedestrian social groups and its impact on crowd dynamics
The Weakness of the Scientific Assessments: A Praise of Silence
The Web Graph of a Tourism System
The Web of Connections between Tourism Companies in Elba: Structure and Dynamics
The weighted tunable clustering in local-world networks with incremental behaviors
The Why of the applicability of Statistical Physics to Economics
The World-Trade Web: Topological Properties, Dynamics, and Evolution
The Yule distribution and frailty--a note on spurious preferential attachment
Theoretical model for the evolution of the linguistic diversity
Theoretical vs. Empirical Classification and Prediction of Congested Traffic States
Theory of aces: high score by skill or luck?
Theory of agent-based market models with controlled levels of greed and anxiety
Theory of citing