The Spread of Viruses and Bugs in Self Organizing Networks
The statistical laws of popularity: Universal properties of the box office dynamics of motion pictures
The statistical relationship between product life cycle and repeat purchase behavior in convenience stores
The strength of strong ties in scientific collaboration networks
The structure of borders in a small world
The Structure of Information Pathways in a Social Communication Network
The structure of Inter-Urban traffic: A weighted network analysis
The Structure of Phonological Networks Across Multiple Languages
The Sznajd dynamics on a directed clustered network
The Sznajd model with limited persuasion: competition between high-reputation and hesitant agents
The Ten Thousand Kims
The thermodynamic approach to market
The Third State of the Schelling Model of Residential Dynamics
The tick-by-tick dynamical consistency of price impact in limit order books
The Topology of Music Recommendation Networks
The Triple Helix Model and the Meta-Stabilization of Urban Technologies in Smart Cities
The Triple Helix Model and the study of Knowledge Based Inovation Systems
The Two Faces of American Power: Military and Political Communication during the Cuban Missile Crisis
The Ultimatum Game in Complex Networks
The underlying complex network of the Minority Game