The Relations between Agent Performances and Their Intellective Abilities in Competing Systems
The repulsive force in continous space models of pedestrian movement
The Rich Are Different!: Pareto Law from asymmetric interactions in asset exchange models
The rich-club phenomenon across complex network hierarchies
The Rise and Rise of Citation Analysis
The Role of Design Complexity in Technology Improvement
The role of inflexible minorities in the breaking of democratic opinion dynamics
The role of mentorship in protege performance
The role of optimization in the human dynamics of tasks execution
The Role of Second Trials in Cascades of Information over Networks
The Role of Weight on Community Structure of Networks
The roundtable: an abstract model of conversation dynamics
The saturation threshold of public opinion: are aggressive media campaigns always effective?
The scaling of human mobility by taxis is exponential
The Science Impact of Astronomy PhD Granting Departments in the United States
The Scientometrics of a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations
The size impact on evolutionary dynamics of agents-cluster
The Social Network of Contemporary Popular Musicians
The soundscape dynamics of human agglomeration
The Spread of Opinions and Proportional Voting