The Path-Star Transformation and its Effects on Complex Networks
The Peace Mediator Effect
The persistence of social signatures in human communication
The Peter Principle Revisited: A Computational Study
The Physics of Communicability in Complex Networks
The physics of randomness and regularities for languages (lifetimes, family trees, and the second languages); in terms of random matrices
The Power (Law) of Indian Markets: Analysing NSE and BSE trading statistics
The Power Grid as a Complex Network: a Survey
The power of a good idea: quantitative modeling of the spread of ideas from epidemiological models
The Power-law Tail Exponent of Income Distributions
The predictability of letters in written english
The price of anarchy in basketball
The Price of Anarchy in Transportation Networks: Efficiency and Optimality Control
The problem of shot selection in basketball
The Process of price formation and the skewness of asset returns
The Production Function
The Quantitative Relations between Stock Prices and Quantities of Tradable Stock Shares and Its Applications
The Rank-Size Scaling Law and Entropy-Maximizing Principle
The Reconstruction of Science Phylogeny
The reinforcing influence of recommendations on global diversification