The effects of spatial constraints on the evolution of weighted complex networks
The emergence of bluff in poker-like games
The Emergence of China as a Leading Nation in Science
The emergence of complex patterns in online human communication
The Emergence of Leadership in Social Networks
The Emerging Scholarly Brain
The End of Cheap Uranium
The Energy Problem
The Epidemics of Corruption
The European Electricity Grid System and Winter Peak Load Stress: For how long can the european grid system survive the ever increasing demand during cold winter days?
The Evolution of Complex Networks: A New Framework
The Evolution of Interdependence in World Equity Markets - Evidence from Minimum Spanning Trees
The Exponent Expansion: An Effective Approximation of Transition Probabilities of Diffusion Processes and Pricing Kernels of Financial Derivatives
The extensive nature of group quality
The first-mover advantage in scientific publication
The Food Crises and Political Instability in North Africa and the Middle East
The formation of share market prices under heterogeneous beliefs and common knowledge
The Full Strategy Minority Game
The Fundamental Diagram of Pedestrian Movement Revisited
The Future of Nuclear Energy: Facts and Fiction Chapter I: Nuclear Fission Energy Today